JPI Oceans project 'MiningImpact'

According the framework of the JPI Oceans action ‘Ecological aspects of deep-sea mining’, the project ‘MiningImpact’ aimed to assess the long-term impacts of polymetallic nodule mining on the deep-sea environment. Core of the project were three marine research campaigns conducted in 2015 on the RV Sonne visiting several license areas and two Areas of Particular Environmental Interest (APEIs) in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ) as well as the DISCOL benthic impact experiment in the Peru Basin.

Jointly analyse the long-term ecological consequences of deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining to provide the knowledge base and inform the development of the international regulation regime of deep sea mining activities by:

  1. Predicting the ecological, biogeochemical and hydrodynamic consequences of a mining impact;
  2. Testing a range of modern rapid assessment methods and monitoring techniques for defining the ecosystem status;
  3. Communicating the results to stakeholders and policymakers;
  4. Conducting a comparative baseline study across different deep-sea environments (e.g. trophic states and seamounts)
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