
Idunella bacheleti sp. nov., a new Liljeborgiidae species (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic Ocean)

*Idunella bacheleti* sp. nov., une nouvelle espèce de Liljeborgiidae (Crustacea : Amphipoda) du canyon de Capbreton (golfe de Gascogne, Nord-Est de l’océan Atlantique). Lors de la troisième campagne du projet BIOMIN (BIOMIN-3) dans le canyon de …

High diversity and pan-oceanic distribution of deep-sea polychaetes: Prionospio and Aurospio (Annelida: Spionidae) in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

_Prionospio_ Malmgren 1867 and _Aurospio_ Maciolek 1981 (Annelida: Spionidae) are polychaete genera commonly found in the deep sea. Both genera belong to the Prionospio complex, whose members are known to have limited distinguishing characters. …

Molecular analysis and new records of the invasive polychaete Boccardia proboscidea (Annelida: Spionidae)

The spionid polychaete _Boccardia proboscidea_ Hartman, 1940 is a tube-dweller and shell/stone-borer widely occurring in temperate waters across the world and considered invasive in many areas. It was originally described from California, USA, and …

A new species of the Marphysa sanguinea complex from French waters (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic) (Annelida, Eunicidae)

A new species of Eunicidae, _Marphysa victori_ sp. n., has been identified from Arcachon Bay, Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic. This new species, belonging to the sanguinea complex, is characterised by branchiae with long filaments from chaetigers 26–34, …

Chaetozone corona (Polychaeta, Cirratulidae) in the Bay of Biscay: a new alien species for the North-east Atlantic waters?

The cirratulid species _Chaetozone corona_ is reported for the first time from the North-east Atlantic waters. Several specimens were collected during oceanographic surveys between 1996 and 2015 from soft bottom habitats along the coasts of Brittany …

Loimia ramzega sp. nov., a new giant species of Terebellidae (Polychaeta) from French waters (Brittany, English Channel)

A new species of Terebellidae, _Loimia ramzega_ sp. nov., has been identified from North Brittany beaches (English Channel). This new species is characterized by its gigantic size (max 650 mm, live), two pairs of lateral lappets on segments 1 and 3; …

Anobothrus amourouxi sp. nov., a new species of Ampharetidae (Polychaeta) from the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic Ocean)

A new species of Ampharetidae, _Anobothrus amourouxi_ sp. nov., has been identified from bathyal depths of the Capbreton Canyon, Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean). This new species is characterized by inner branchiae with transversal ciliated ridges, …

Malmgrenia louiseae sp. nov., a new scale worm species (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) from southern Europe with a key to European Malmgrenia species

_Malmgrenia louiseae_ sp. nov. is described from both the western Mediterranean in the Gulf of Lions, and the north-east Atlantic from off Portugal and the Bay of Biscay. The species was found in muddy sediments in shallow water and is possibly …

New records of Spio symphyta and Spio martinensis (‘Polychaeta’: Canalipalpata: Spionidae) from Arcachon Bay (France), NE Atlantic

This paper presents new records of _Spio symphyta_ Meißner et al., 2011 and _Spio martinensis_ Mesnil, 1896 (‘Polychaeta’: Canalipalpata: Spionidae) from Arcachon Bay (southern Bay of Biscay). For both species the new records represent an extension …

Premier signalement de l'espèce introduite Grandidierella japonica Stephensen, 1938 (Crustacea: Amphipoda : Aoridae) dans le bassin d'Arcachon