
Idunella bacheleti sp. nov., a new Liljeborgiidae species (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic Ocean)

*Idunella bacheleti* sp. nov., une nouvelle espèce de Liljeborgiidae (Crustacea : Amphipoda) du canyon de Capbreton (golfe de Gascogne, Nord-Est de l’océan Atlantique). Lors de la troisième campagne du projet BIOMIN (BIOMIN-3) dans le canyon de …

Study of the present state and of recent temporal changes in the benthic macrofauna composition of Gulf of Lions soft-bottoms macrobenthic communities, NW Mediterranean

The main objectives of my thesis were: to assess the present state and recent (1998 vs. 2010) changes in benthic macrofauna composition of the Gulf of Lions soft-bottom communities through the long term comparison of 91 stations; to test the current paradigm regarding the control of those communities by climatic parameters through a 10-year monitoring of 4 stations located in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer; to assess the influence of Rhône River inputs on the composition of benthic macrofauna through the sampling, of 5 stations, under 4 hydrological regimes; and to update the ecological quality status of Gulf of Lions benthic habitats.

Climate-driven changes in macrobenthic communities in the Mediterranean Sea: A 10-year study in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer

Marine ecosystems worldwide are affected by both natural variation and human activities; to disentangle and understand their individual role in influencing the macrobenthic community composition is challenging. The relationship between interannual …

Long-term (1998 vs. 2010) large-scale comparison of soft-bottom benthic macrofauna composition in the Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean Sea

We achieved a long term (i.e., 1998 vs. 2010) large scale (i.e., whole Gulf of Lions) study of benthic macrofauna composition in the Gulf of Lions based on the resampling of 91 stations located along 21 inshore-offshore transects. Results show that …

Long-term (1998–2010) large-scale comparison of the ecological quality status of gulf of lions (NW Mediterranean) benthic habitats

A comprehensive Mediterranean data set has been used to address 3 questions associated with the use of sensitivity/tolerance based biotic indices to infer the Ecological Quality status (EcoQs) of benthic habitats. Our results showed: (1) a …

Anobothrus amourouxi sp. nov., a new species of Ampharetidae (Polychaeta) from the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic Ocean)

A new species of Ampharetidae, _Anobothrus amourouxi_ sp. nov., has been identified from bathyal depths of the Capbreton Canyon, Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic Ocean). This new species is characterized by inner branchiae with transversal ciliated ridges, …

Spatiotemporal changes in surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna composition off the Rhône River in relation to its hydrological regime

The consequences of changes in the water flow of the Rhône River on surface sediment characteristics and benthic macrofauna composition were assessed within 3 distinct areas: (1) the delta front, (2) the prodelta, and (3) the distal zone. Five …

Premier signalement de l'espèce introduite Grandidierella japonica Stephensen, 1938 (Crustacea: Amphipoda : Aoridae) dans le bassin d'Arcachon

Shallow-water polychaete assemblages in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea and its possible use in the evaluation of good environmental state

Forty-four shore-normal transects along the Northwestern Mediterranean coast between the mouth of the Rhône River (France) and Valencia City (Spain) were sampled during the REDIT-I (September 1998, [R1]) and REDIT-II (December 1999, [R2]) campaigns. …